Thursday, September 29, 2011

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Swamp at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
Make sure to click on the image to make it larger!.

I took this picture using my Droid X camera. The camera has a built in panorama function. This images is a sticking of 5 different individual images.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


One of the drawbacks of current electric cars is the rather long time it takes to charge their batteries. The leaf that as long as you adapt your lifestyle to it a bit, it’s not a problem, but the unexpected happens and it would suck to be at low charge when you suddenly need to get to the hospital, or what have you. Quick-charge solutions are out there, but few are really practical and many still take hours to reach full charge. Nissan says they’ve created one, however, that could charge a car in only ten minutes.
Again, this car comes out of Japan! Haha, those guys are really the leading edge

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How Green Are You?

This quiz was SOO weird. It was a quiz asking whether or not you are consider "green". The questions were really confusing. Which I guess was the point, they were trying to hide the real point of the question by masking it with random topic mixed into the possible answers. I do consider myself to be light green so seeing that it resulted with "light" green I was surprised! Maybe it is a good quiz :)