Monday, November 28, 2011

'Brinicle' ice finger of death filmed in Antarctic

I was watching the BBC Frozen planet with my brother and yes, this show is awesome. So awesome! I am a huge fan of documentaries. Especially ones where David Attenburg narrates them. In which case,  frozen planet is one :). But yes, I found this article on the BBC the highlighted the best part of the episode I watched . Make sure to click on the video to see the icle in live action. But to recap, their is a near by volcano to where this scene was recorded. The brine created by the volcano gets released into the water. Keep in mind, the top of the water is frozen. The brine is more dense than the actual sea water that it is in. So as the ice travels from the top, it gets more attracted to the areas with brine. This causes a barnacle like look. It is completely crazy that the animals at the bottom are instantly killed by the arrival of the barnacle. They barely have anytime to react.

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